Fri 31Aug2012 - Sat 01Sep2012 (Day 7 - Day 8) : during 1800-2000LT at a clinic nearby, 225 i.u. of IVF-M (3 packs) has to be injected into the hip muscle; and o.25 mg of Orgalutran into the upper arm each day.
Sun 02Sep2012 (Day 9) : at 2100LT, need to inject 0.25 mg of Ovidrel into the belly; 2 inches right apart from the bellybutton; using a prefilled syringe, by myself!
Ovidrel : is used in fertility treatment cycles to help follicles mature and trigger the release of mature eggs from a woman's ovaries following treatment with products containing the human follicle stimulating hormone.
Mon 03Sep2012 (Day 10) : halt food and water after midnight in order to be prepared for removing the ova from the ovaries on Tue 4Sep2012.
To do list before the removal of the ova.